Friday, 18 October 2013

Frightful Fall Bento Blog Hop & Link Party

Happy fall Y'all!  'Tis the season to be...  spooky! The Bento Bloggers & Friends love this time of year, and you know what it means when we love something - blog hop! If you're looking for fun seasonal lunch ideas, you're sure to find plenty among the 44 blogs sharing more than 50 Hallowe'en & Fall themed bento lunch ideas! 

There was so much interest in this hop that we were able to spread the fun over 3 days - and today's the last day, so you can see them all! Each button below will take you on a separate hop through 14-15 blogs, so when you finish one, don't forget to come back here to do the next one! Have fun!

Day 1!

Day 2!

Day 3!

Did you make a frightful fall bento? 
Share it with the group!